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The project aims to promote gender equality in unprivileged areas of Mozambique using astronomy and astronomy-related issues. We plan to go to some areas of provinces like Niassa, Cabo-Delgado, Nampula, Tete and Sofala where are registered high levels of school abandon by girls mainly due to early marriage. During the visits, in the first day we will organize talks to introduce astronomical concepts such as stars, planets, and constellations to the young pupils in schools. In the second day, to involve parents and take their attention to gender issues we will present public talks focused on women in astronomy and their contribution to this science and to the way we understand the Universe. Also we will do sky observations involving the local community.


Em Moçambique são registadas mais desistências no ensino primário
do 2o Grau relativamente ao do 1o Grau. No geral as mulheres são as que mais dexistem comparados aos homens.

No ensino secundário geral, as taxas de desistências são mais elevadas no ESG1 em relação ao
ESG2 com destaque para as Mulheres que é de 7.1%.

A província do Niassa apresenta taxas mais elevadas de desistências em todos ciclos com
destaque para o ESG2 com 18%. As taxas mais baixas estão em Maputo Cidade tanto no ESG1
como no ESG2. No geral as mulheres apresentam taxas mais elevadas.

The objectives of the program are: to foster education and to introduce science and technology to young pupils using astronomy, promote gender equality and raise awareness about the Universe. We will select two schools, one primary and other secondary, in each province (total 10 schools), we will visit each school and their neighbourhood during two days.

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